From the Director's Desk...
I wish to thank you for showing interest in FORE School of Management, New Delhi. We have been providing quality education in management for the past 31 years and over 7000 students have graduated from FSM since its inception in 1992.

At FSM, students are expected to have an enriching and life-turning experience which will enable them to reach new heights in their professional life. We foster sharpening of skills and enhancement of knowledge base in our students through various extra-curricular, co-curricular and curricular activities through faculty who not only keep themselves at par with the current developments but also contribute to the expansion of the body of knowledge in their field of expertise. To facilitate this, we have Centers of Excellence to enhance domain specific research and training among members of faculty and entrepreneurship among students. With very congenial and professional environment our faculty makes substantial contribution to the academia through quality teaching, publications, seminars, conferences, etc. The faculty contribution has received recognition by way of various collaborations we have with our partner institutions and universities in India and abroad, and the excellent goodwill we enjoy with the corporate world who generously contribute to our various academic processes. The corporate interactions including corporate supported projects undertaken by our students under faculty supervision is considered ‘unique’, in the sense, that it provides a close hands-on-experience to our students as part of our curriculum. Further, to provide a flavor of global best practices, our students are exposed to a brief but intensive ‘International Immersion Programme’ at an international location, designed in collaboration with leading universities. Thus, as a student you certainly are expected to have an enriching and life turning experience that should propel you to take advantage of the new opportunities in life.
As a prospective student, you are welcome to explore options that may be available to you in our various academic programmes and please do not hesitate to contact us for additional information.
If you represent a business organization and are seeking any information on our students, our activities, etc., you are welcome to contact us and we will be too happy to explore initiatives of mutual interest.
As a parent of a student, we assure you of a very enriching and fruitful time that your ward will be spending with us.
Dr. Subir Verma
Dr. Subir Verma,
Director, FORE School of Management, New Delhi
Dr. Subir Verma, Director FORE School of Management, New Delhi since 2010, was a Professor of Marketing and the founder Dean (Noida Campus) of the IIM Lucknow. With a B.Tech. and M.Tech. both from the IIT Delhi, he obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Toronto with 'Management Science (applied to forest products)' as the Major Area and 'Econometrics' as the Minor Area (obtaining “A” category grades in all courses taken as a requirement for the Ph.D. degree). He was also a recipient of the most coveted Connaught Fellowship of the University of Toronto for three years - the maximum years it is given. He also completed a Summer Program Certificate in 2003 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA titled "Individual Choice Behavior: Theory and Application of Discrete Choice Analysis to Consumer Demand and Market Share".
In his total 40 years of experience, he worked for two years in Urea-Ammonia Plant/ Sulfuric Acid-Fertilizer consulting firm, in line with his Chemical Engineering degree, before pursuing M.Tech. (Management & Systems) from IIT Delhi. Thereafter he worked for WIPRO Ltd. in their sales/marketing team for about four years before moving into academics in 1987. In 1998 he completed his Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. During his academic years he has been a consultant to the World Bank, IDRC (Canada), GWB (for GTZ Germany), Coal India Ltd., GlobeCast India (a division of France Telecom), various ministries of the Government of India, etc. and member of a few policy committees of the Government of India. In academics, he has been associated with teaching courses at IIMs at Ahmedabad, Kozhikode and Lucknow, SPJain Management Center, Singapore and at Danube Business School, Danube University Krems, Austria.
He has numerous national and international publications including nine edited books to his credit. He has been deeply associated with corporate training at various levels in the marketing, customer relationship management, etc. domains. He has delivered invited lectures, inaugural/ keynote addresses, etc. to many national and international conferences.
Dr. Das has received numerous awards and honours. To name a few: In November 2021 he received the award for “Best Director for Good Governance in Management Education” in the ASSOCHAM summit on “The EduMeet 2021 & Excellence Award Education & Skill Industry”; In September 2020 he received the ‘ASSOCHAM Spirit of Self Reliance Award’ at Knowledge Management Virtual Meet on Skilling & Vocational Training & Awards; In February 2020 he received the ‘Certificate of Excellence’ and the award for ‘Leader in Asia with Global Vision and Outlook’ in the 3rd Asia Pacific Education and Technology Awards (APETA 2020) organised jointly by ASSOCHAM, Education Post and Knowledge Chamber of Commerce and Industry at Ahmedabad; In December 2017 he was felicitated as a “VISIONARY EDULEADER OF INDIA” by Sri Pranab Mukherjee, The Education President of India during Re:think India The Fifth Estate ‘National Convention of eduLEADERS & eduPRENEURS in HIGHER EDUCATION’ held in Delhi; In January 2017 he received the award “One of Asia’s 50 Greatest Leaders 2016” in the Indo-Singapore Business Congress “Asia’s Greatest Brands & Leaders 2016” organised by AsiaOne Magazine & URS Media Consulting Pvt. Ltd. at Singapore; In April 2014 he received ‘India Education Excellence’ award for ‘Outstanding Contribution to Leadership Development’ by Worldwide Achievers and Headlines Today at New Delhi (about 80 institutional awards and only one individual award—to Dr. J. K. Das—were given in this gala event); In September 2013 he was honored with the ‘BEST DIRECTOR’ award in the Asian Education Leadership Awards 2013 at Dubai, etc.
From the Director's Desk...
I wish to thank you for showing interest in FORE School of Management, New Delhi. We have been providing quality education in management for the past 31 years and over 7000 students have graduated from FORE since its inception in 1992.
At FORE, students are expected to have an enriching and life-turning experience which will enable them to reach new heights in their professional life. We foster sharpening of skills and enhancement of knowledge base in our students through various extra-curricular, co-curricular and curricular activities through faculty who not only keep themselves at par with the current developments but also contribute to the expansion of the body of knowledge in their field of expertise. To facilitate this, we have Centers of Excellence to enhance domain specific research and training among members of faculty and entrepreneurship among students. With very congenial and professional environment our faculty makes substantial contribution to the academia through quality teaching, publications, seminars, conferences, etc. The faculty contribution has received recognition by way of various collaborations we have with our partner institutions and universities in India and abroad, and the excellent goodwill we enjoy with the corporate world who generously contribute to our various academic processes. The corporate interactions including corporate supported projects undertaken by our students under faculty supervision is considered ‘unique’, in the sense, that it provides a close hands-on-experience to our students as part of our curriculum. Further, to provide a flavor of global best practices, our students are exposed to a brief but intensive ‘International Immersion Programme’ at an international location, designed in collaboration with leading universities. Thus, as a student you certainly are expected to have an enriching and life turning experience that should propel you to take advantage of the new opportunities in life.
As a prospective student, you are welcome to explore options that may be available to you in our various academic programmes and please do not hesitate to contact us for additional information.
If you represent a business organization and are seeking any information on our students, our activities, etc., you are welcome to contact us and we will be too happy to explore initiatives of mutual interest.
As a parent of a student, we assure you of a very enriching and fruitful time that your ward will be spending with us.
Dr. Subir Verma